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It's time to ditch the Biofreeze. Here's why.

A couple of years ago when I first started getting into natural remedies, I was a little skeptical that there would ever be a time when I wouldn't have a use for Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Today, we don't even have it in the house, there's no need. Of course, we still have injuries, fevers & headaches just like any other family, but we have created remedies that eliminated the need for them. Comfrey All- Purpose salve was one of them. The comfrey plant contains a chemical compound called allantoin that stimulates healing wherever it is placed. Whether it's broken bones, bug bites, achy & sore muscles, pulled or torn ligaments or tendons, eczema, rashes, scar tissue build up, or bulging discs, comfrey can heal it. It's almost too good to be true & if I hadn't experienced the healing power of this plant myself, I might not believe it. The best part is that using this salve won't cause cancer, won't disrupt your hormones, won't build up in your system making you sick, won't irritate your skin, eyes or lungs, won't change you on a biochemical or cellular level, won't cause toxicity to your reproductive or any other system, and has zero contaminants. It works with your body, the way nature intended. I think that's something we've forgotten is a necessity: working WITH the body. We can't put a bunch of chemicals in our bodies and expect them to recognize what they are, know how to break them down AND expel them properly without help. This is why so many of us are sick and can't seem to figure out the root cause. Especially the 40-60% of the population that has the MTHFR gene mutation & has no clue they have it. Their ability to detoxify environmental & chemical toxins is significantly decreased or ceased altogether. And to be clear, not a single body on this planet knows what to do with or how to process synthetic chemicals because they are man-made. Our bodies simply do not recognize them. So it would make sense that some of us are even more prone to issues with toxicity. We keep using products that have been cleared by the FDA as safe & effective when really we're just slowly poisoning ourselves. This brings me to the other side of today's topic: Biofreeze (and certainly others like it). Many people swear by this product. Let's take a little dive into the ingredients. I never used to make knowing the answers to questions like that any of my business until I researched what they were actually doing to me. Allow me to enlighten you.

Biofreeze Ingredients List
Biofreeze Ingredients

Menthol- Topically, it acts as a counter-irritant by causing a cooling effect & may also activate central analgesic pathways.

Camphor- Topically, it acts as a counter-irritant by causing a warming effect & may also activate central analgesic pathways.

Carbomer- A large polymeric chemical composed of acrylic acid monomers. Synthetic (man-made) polymers that are widely used as thickening, suspending, and stabilizing agents in a variety of industries including cosmetics, personal care & pharmaceuticals. Can be a skin, eye & lung irritant.

FD&C Blue #1- A synthetic dye produced from petroleum; this dye is FDA-approved for use in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. A neurotoxin, carcinogen, a developmental & reproductive toxin, endocrine (hormone) disruptor, builds up in your system, allergen & immunotoxin.

FD&C Yellow #5- A synthetic food dye made from petroleum products. A neurotoxin, carcinogen, endocrine disruptor, immunotoxin, allergen & it builds up in your system causing toxicity to other non-reproductive organs.

Glycerin- a naturally occurring alcohol compound & a component of many lipids. Glycerin may be of animal or vegetable origin. It acts as an all-natural moisturizer.

Herbal extract (ILEX paraguariensis)- Also known as Yerba Mate, this plant is used as an analgesic for the treatment of painful inflammatory conditions.

Isopropyl alcohol- A synthetic solvent used for synthetic resins, drugs, cosmetics & used to extract & purify several natural products.

Methlyparaben- Is in the paraben family of preservatives used by the food, pharmaceutical & personal care product industries. Parabens mimic estrogen, can act as endocrine (hormone) disruptors & can cause biochemical & cellular level changes.

Propylene glycol- An organic alcohol commonly used as a skin conditioning agent. Skin, eye & lung irritant that can cause immunotoxicity & non-reproductive organ system toxicity.

Silicon dioxide- A natural chemical mixture of silicon & oxygen that is used in many products as an anti-caking agent.

Triethanolamine- A strongly alkaline organic compound used as an emulsifier & surfactant. Also an immunotoxin, non-reproductive system toxin & allergen.

That's maybe 3 ingredients that are actually doing anything to help your ailment. Everything else is either unnecessary or just plain toxic. And if we've learned anything about toxins it's that our bodies don't know how to break them down or expel them properly. So go straight to the root of the goodness: the plants. Stop sacrificing all the benefits you'd get from the healing power of plants for some dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers, surfactants, thickening & stabilizing agents. It's insanity. We've been convinced that less is more. Comfrey was once referred to as the King of all healing plants. Why we ever stopped turning to mother nature for healing is beyond me. Heal yourself, my friends. It's time to get back to our roots & work with our bodies the way nature intended. Toss your synthetic remedies & opt for a more natural route with our Comfrey All- Purpose Salve. You won't regret it.

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