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Looking for something to fill in the gaps nutritionally? Have a picky eater? I've got you.

On this crazy journey to take back my power and take control of my health, I've come across a bunch of different supplements and they all say the same thing: this is all you need! Not true. The hard truth is that if you're taking anything with synthetic ingredients, your body really doesn't know what to do with it, so you're wasting your money. Now, I don't claim to have all the answers. But I do know that you can literally never go wrong if you source your nutrients straight from nature. And that's what I always try to do. It is hard in today's world to be sure you're getting nearly enough nutritionally given that our soil is greatly depleted. You can be eating what seems to be a pretty healthy diet and still fall very short. Keep your eyes peeled for little areas where you can add something or two to give your meals a little punch. Bee pollen is an absolute gold mine of nutrients. This super food contains about 250 substances, including, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, macro and micronutrients, and flavonoids. For adults, supplementing with about 3-5 teaspoons, 3 times per day, had significant health benefits. For children, 1-2 teaspoons, 3 times per day is sufficient. It is best to take bee pollen for about 1-3 months per year and can be repeated 2-4 times per year. The best times during the year to take it is between winter and spring, and between summer and autumn. The best application of bee pollen is to soak it in water, milk, fruit, or juice for 2-3 hours and then grind or shred. This way bioavailability increases from 10-15% to 60-80%. And there you have it! It really is this simple. Look to nature for your health. Even in your own backyards. You might be very pleasantly surprised to see what is readily available to you, almost as if it were grown or flown in by a personal assistant. Nature wants to help you. Why not let it?!


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